American stubborn satelliet de ruimte in om luchtvervuiling te meten | milieu

Burgers added thanks to the system bijvoorbeeld better guaranteed with poor air quality. Also, when there are fires, which may occur when the air-conditioning is warmed up, it may be possible.

The satellites, the moments have been indicated, depend on 700 km distance and draaien zowat vijftien keer rond de aarde per day. TEMPO zal aan geostationaire satellite hangen op 35,000 km en draait mee met de aarde, what betekent dat het instrument steeds boven het Noord-Amerikaanse continent zal hangen.

The satellite is scheduled for 00.30 a.m. on the scheduled day (05.30 a.m. in Belgium) launched on the board of a Falcon 9 rocket from SpaceX. Over long two weeks zou de satellite in de juiste baan om de aarde would like to quote.

KIJK OOK. For the first time in 50 years to come: it must be said
