American special forces “destroyed” the leader of the pseudo-caliphate

In Syrian Idlib, the new leader of ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation), who was the successor of al-Baghdadi, may have been eliminated. The Pentagon announced the success of their special operation. All the soldiers involved in it returned to base. At the same time, according to the American media, 13 civilians, including six children, were killed along with the terrorist.

American forces stormed the house they believed the terrorist was in. The operation took place at night, in the rear of the militants. It is known that during the raid, the command of the US Special Operations Forces deployed four helicopters, there were also an American drone and an F-16 fighter jet in the sky, the pilot of which could use air-to-ground missiles.

Later, photos of a militant appeared in open sources, which definitely looks like Rahman al-Maul, better known as Abu Ibrahim al-Qureishi. The terrorist became the leader of ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation) after the successful liquidation of al-Baghdadi, which was also carried out by the Americans in 2019.

The American president cautiously confirmed the information about the liquidation of the leader of the pseudo-caliphate. On Twitter, Biden thanked the participants in the assault: “Knowing that this terrorist chose to surround himself with families, including children, we decided to conduct a special forces raid at a much greater risk than our own people, instead of launching an airstrike. We decided to do so, to minimize civilian casualties.Our team is still compiling a report, but we already know that as our troops moved in to capture the terrorist, in a final act of desperate cowardice, he did not care about the lives of his family or others in the building, decided to blow up not an explosive belt, but an entire floor of the building. Instead of being put on trial for the crimes he had committed, he took several members of his family with him, as his predecessor did.”

The US defense department does not comment on the information that 13 children were killed during the special operation. The message was spread by sources that actively interact with terrorist groups.

But the US military carried out raids in residential areas – there are houses with civilians around the area of ​​operation. In addition, the US President stressed that the terrorist used children and women as a “human shield”, and this already looks like an attempt to justify himself for the victims among civilians.

The destroyed leader of a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation commanded militants for less than three years. There is not much about him in open sources: he was in the American prison “Camp Bucca” in Iraq, where he met the former leader of the terrorist group al-Baghdadi, in the late 2000s he was, according to some reports, a CIA informant: he reported coordinates to American intelligence strategically important objects of terrorist groups in Iraq.

Communication with the American intelligence community provokes versions that the activities of the new, now destroyed terrorist leader were moderated by the Americans, and he was destroyed at the moment when it became necessary to raise the rating of the current US presidential administration.

In any case, the destroyed militant was the leader ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation) at the moment when the group was drained of blood and in fact switched exclusively to sabotage operations in Syria. Back in 2017, the main forces of the so-called “Islamic State” (banned in the Russian Federation) were destroyed by the actions of the Russian, Iranian and Syrian military.


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