American sleds come to Benningbroek: “As if you’re in a boat”

No modern, electric mid-sized car for Erik van der Leek and Nick Karsten. No, these ‘petrolheads’ swear by the American sled. Coming Sunday, they are organizing a so-called ‘American Car Meeting’ for the first time in Benningbroek. It is expected that hundreds of American models will make their appearance there to be viewed from all sides by other co-owners and interested parties. “I have great expectations of it,” says organizer Erik. “I expect about five to six hundred cars.”

Next Sunday a large ‘American Car Meeting’ will be organized in Benningbroek – NH News

It is pure love for the American car that drives Erik and Nick to organize the big gathering. “When I get behind the wheel, I feel like a happy person,” smiles Erik. “It’s hard to explain. It’s a feeling.”

But passers-by also often appreciate the models very much, as is always the case when a ride is taken. “Thumbs up, people who look back, children who ask you to accelerate,” says Nick. “That’s just fun.”

“When I get behind the wheel, I feel like a happy person”

Erik van der Leek, organizer American Car Meeting Benningbroek

The models that Erik and Nick drive themselves may have been manufactured about fifty years ago, but the magic of the whoppers of four-wheelers has only increased. “It’s the sound, it drives great, it all feels very luxurious,” says Erik who drives a 1972 Lincoln. “It looks like you’re floating, like you’re in a boat.”

Intimidating and imposing

Nick, the proud owner of a 1973 Chevrolet Impala, especially falls for the symphony of the eight-cylinder. “The sound is still the best”, he beams behind the wheel, and then presses deeply on the accelerator. What follows is an immense roar: intimidating and imposing.

“I expect it to be very cozy, I’m looking forward to it”

Nick Karsten, organizer American Car Meeting Benningbroek

Erik has organized American Car Meetings before, but never before in Benningbroek. Together with Nick, he hopes to make it a great happening next Sunday, where hundreds of American cars and trucks will make their appearance.

“Furthermore, there are two live bands, there is food and drinks,” says Erik. “The coffee and ice cream for children are free.” Nick adds: “I expect it to be a lot of fun, with lots of nice people and beautiful cars. I’m really looking forward to it.”

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