American radio pliers Betty Davis overleden | music

Davis, who from 1968 tot 1969 was a year met with the famous jazz trumpet player Miles Davis, which was originally in the years later and live as a pair. The greatest part of the music was written in 1964 and 1975. In 1973 the album ‘Betty Davis’ was released. In the twee jaar daarna volgden respectievelijk ‘They Say I’m Different’ and ‘Nasty Gal’.

Davis stated that the following texts were included, such as in the numbers ‘Shut Off the Light’ and ‘If I’m in Luck I Might Get Picked Up’. Some numbers will be discussed in this way because they will not be published on radio stations and on television.

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Davis released a number in 2019, ‘A Little Bit Hot Tonight’. Ze schreef en producerde het number, maar liet de zang over aan haar vriendin Danielle Maggio.


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