American President Biden two days ago on the other hand in other documents according to vertrouwelijke | Buitenland

updateThe American President Joe Biden is on the other hand in the onderzoek according to the vertrouwelijke documents, which were encountered last year in one of the two cantors and in the city. That’s what the Witte Huis is like. The 80-year-old president spoke on a willing basis with Robert Hur, the special is aimed at the action of Biden te otherzoeken.

In January, the President and his advocates met with secret pieces from the presidency of Obama (2009-2017), the Biden vice president was. The documents were stored last year in the garage and living room of Biden in the state of Delaware and in Biden’s private office at a think tank in Washington.

Biden was never suspected of being criminally active in the American media to report that he was never convicted and was a president who was onderwerp from a federal onderzoek. He has never confessed to what Biden has said. A word from the wild grandchildren knew the president completely meewerkt with the onderzoek.

Hur ondervroeg in de afgelopen maanden volgens ‘ABC News’ honderd getuigen, van adviseurs op hoog stufe dead uitvoerend assistants en ten minste één advocaat van het Witte Huis. In the meantime, we will have the opportunity to come before the public.

Crazy topic

The secret documents from Biden are in the VS a common topic of punishment that serves against President Donald Trump. Dozens of secret documents are discovered at the Mar-a-Lago property in Palm Beach. Trump is not guilty, a right-winger blames himself for the following year over the zaak.

Volgens de Amerikaanse wetgeving is het never toegelaten om vertrouwelijke documents bij te houden na het verlaten van het ambt. The material may have been transferred to the National Archives.
