American journalist evaluates Witte Huis aft sabotage Nord Stream zat: Russia is now a third party | Buitenland

Were the United States responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream site in September? Followed by an article by American journalist Seymour Hersh (85) wel. Het Witte Huis ontkent de aantijging van Hersh en noemt het “completely enmeshed”. Russia would like to tighten the sea aandacht for deze “ontdekking” in the hoopt de VS.

Onderzoekers uit Zweden en Denemarken reported in September that the scams in the pijplijn een were the result of sabotage, but it is not known how responsible it is. As soon as he was sent to Russia, it was never meant to be. The article from Hersh daarentegen is titled “Hoe Amerika de Noord Stream-pijplijn vernietigde”. Daarin stated that “het plan van de VS reeds in December 2021 tot stood kwam toen een Russian invasion in Oekraïne naderde”. Due to Hersh wilden de VS hiermee bereiken dat Russia geen windsten sea konhalen uit gasleveringen.

In the report, the state also said that the Americans duikers in the opinion of Biden and met the hulp of Noorwegen explosieven op de pijplijn plaatsten. Three months later, op 26 September, zouden ze het tot ontploffing hebben brought volgens het onderzoek van Hersh. Het Witte Huis called the rapport “completely fictief” in Noorwegen, too.

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Eén anonieme bron

Hersh is a well-known oorlogsverlaggever the ooit de Pulitzer prijs won. Toch meent het Witte Huis dat Hersh here de almost completely failed. The 85-year-old journalist kwam also said that in a storm the right to hear het verhaal over the uitschakeling van Osama Bin Laden door de VS in twijfel trok. Hersh referred in the dossier to tell about one of the children’s anonieme and also said that they were worried. Sommige critici noemen Hersh ondertussen een plot thinker.

Het Kremlin daarentegen is zeer blij met the article. “De wereld moet achter de waarheid come over how deze sabotagedaad heeft uitgevoerd”, zei Peskov tegen verslaggevers. “It is a given that is precedent: when someone does not want to do anything, they can do more than that.” Peskov stated that “an open international project has been planned for international critical infrastructure” and that the “on-demand” is considered to be the responsibility of the tightening.

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