American has been living on cruise ships for more than twenty years: “I no longer have ‘land legs’” | To travel

Mario Salcedo is the king of cruises. The American has already spent more than 9,000 nights aboard ships of Royal Caribbean, his favorite airline. His ‘life on the water’ has cost him more than 1.4 million dollars (converted 1.37 million euros) so far.

Full-time life on a cruise ship. Spending time swimming, drinking brandy and salsa dancing. As long as your name is Mario Salcedo, have a lot of money and are single, dreams come true.

‘Super Mario’ has lived on cruise ships for the past 23 years and has hardly ever set foot on land since. Although corona was a bummer, forcing him to give up his beloved life at sea for fifteen months. Then he temporarily moved to the Caribbean island of Aruba to dive (one of his passions) and fish. He also has an apartment in Miami, but he claims he no longer has good “country legs.”

For Salcedo, his life on cruise ships is equivalent to escaping reality. You practically leave the world as you know it on the mainland because the man doesn’t want to “be part of it anymore”.

‘Super Mario’ said goodbye to his lucrative career in finance in 1997 – he was 47 at the time – and in 2000 began his new life at sea. He had never been on a cruise before that. During his life on board he stays in the cheaper cabins and manages investment portfolios for private clients. That brings a nice penny in the bag to pay for his cruises.

In 2018, another short documentary was made in which Salcedo, who has no children, made his appearance. The title of the report was not for nothing ‘Meet The Happiest Guy In The World’.

Read also: Couple of Americans in their fifties sell their house and now live permanently on a cruise ship
