American former presidential candidate Mitt Romney quits as senator | Abroad

Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate in 2012, tells the American newspaper The Washington Post that he will not run for a new term in the Senate. That probably means that his political career will come to an end in January 2025.

The 76-year-old Romney has been in the Senate since 2019. He was previously the governor of Massachusetts and in 2012 he lost the election to Democrat Barack Obama.

Romney is considered a moderate Republican and has been in the news a lot in recent years as an outspoken critic of Donald Trump. He was the only member of Trump’s party to vote for his impeachment twice.

In Wednesday’s interview with The Washington Post, Romney also expressed fierce criticism of Trump, but also of current President Joe Biden. Because one of them may soon be president again, Romney thinks that another term in the Senate would not be very productive for him.
