American basketball star jailed in Russia for drug trafficking | Sport

According to the agency, Griner was detained at an airport near Moscow because hash oil and cartridges for vapers were found in her luggage. The 31-year-old Phoenix Mercury player is said to have been arrested.

Customs released a video of a traveler at the airport, which is said to be Griner. The person is wearing a mask and black sweatshirt, going through security. The video shows a person taking a package from the traveler’s bag. According to the statement, a criminal case has been opened against her for the large-scale transport of drugs, which carries a prison sentence of up to ten years in Russia.

‘Quick and safe return priority’

Her club Phoenix Mercury has since responded. “We are aware of and are closely monitoring the situation with Brittney Griner in Russia. We are in constant contact with her family, her management, the WNBA and the NBA. We love and support Brittney. At the moment, our main concern is her safety, physical and mental health and her safe return home.”

Griner won gold with the US basketball team at the Tokyo Games last summer. In 2016, Griner had already secured the Olympic title with the United States in Rio. Griner has been playing for a Russian club outside the regular basketball season since 2015. Her arrest comes at a time of heightened tensions between Russia and the United States caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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