American adventurer (45) rescued at sea after sixteen days in distress | Abroad

American Aaron Carotta (45) decided to turn his life around. In February he left with his boat for a world tour. During his adventure, the man got into trouble. Due to damage to the boat, he was unable to continue sailing. He managed to send out a distress signal, but then disappeared from the radar. The 40-year-old tried to stay positive, although he doubted whether the rescue services would ever find him.

On February 6, Carotta’s world tour started. The forty-year-old enjoyed his time at sea, but on May 31 things went completely wrong. Carotta had problems with his boat and had to send out a distress signal, after which his connection was completely lost. At that time he was on the Pacific Ocean. His friends and family, who followed his story on Facebook, panicked when they saw no more messages appearing and sounded the alarm.

The rescue services went looking for Carotta. Carotta was not found until sixteen days after the distress signal was sent out. An Air Guard helicopter, which was deployed for another search, actually found the missing forty-year-old by accident. At the time, Carotta was about 600 miles from the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia.

The Coast Guard notified the nearest vessel, the tanker ‘Baker Spirit’. Carotta was taken aboard the ship, after which the tanker resumed its route to Hawaii. The castaway is expected to disembark in Honolulu on June 25.

Carotta would like to continue his world tour, but before he continues he would like to take a breather in Hawaii.
