Ambtenaren zien loon dit jaar four keer verhogen | money

De ambtenarenlonen Zullen dit jaar four keer met telkens 2 percent been verhoogd. This is due to new forecasts from the federal planning office.

This is due to the fact that there is a high level of inflation. Daardoor wordt de spilindex veel sneller dan normaal overschreden. When an overwriting of the spilindex has been carried out in the social field and in the ambtenarenweddes opgetrokken.

The verhoging van de weddes met tekens 2 percent of the een first keer plaats in February, to be followed in April and a derde verhoging is planned in June, na the recent overschrijding van de spilindex in April.

Maar volgens berekeningen van het Planbureau been de uitkeringen and de weddes van de ambtenaren nog een Vierde keer met 2 per cent opgetrokken. The installation always keeps a new overwriting of the spilindex in October, and there is a risk that an additional plan will be made. This is considered to be the case in November and the wedding of the overheated person in December 2019.

annual inflation

The planning office is also responsible for the return of the year. The current year was 7.8 percent (currently 7.3 percent in a previous forecast), in the following year 3.4 percent.

No avenues of weddings from ambtenaren have been adapted to de levensduurte. A high level of inflation is also provided for by the lonen in de privé stijgen. That’s why it’s in the Elke sector at a different pace. For sommige sectors geurt dat maandelijks, for other than weer een keer per year.

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