Ambitious 2023 statement from Ferhat Arıcan! – Breaking Gymnastics news

Ferhat Arıcan, who won Turkey’s first Olympic medal in gymnastics by placing third in the parallel bar in Tokyo 2020, aims to add new ones to his achievements in 2023.

Arıcan, who entered the camp in Bolu with the Artistic Gymnastics Senior Men’s National Team, continues his training at Murat Canbaş Gymnastics Hall in Karaçayır District by training twice a day.

Ferhat Arıcan said that 2022 was a successful year. Stating that they have achieved significant success both individually and as a team, Arıcan said, “Especially the championship in the Mediterranean Games, the fact that we are on the podium again in the European Championship. I think we have taken great steps as a team.” said.

Pointing out that the most important competition of this year is the World Championship, Arıcan said, “This year, there will be a quota competition in the 2024 Paris Olympics. It is very important for the team. There is the European Championship before the World Championship. Especially the most important point is that it is held in our country, in Antalya.” he said.


Pointing out that their goals in the European Championship are very big, Arıcan said, “We want to be on the podium in Europe again in our own country. We need to show what we can do before the World Championship.” said.

Arıcan stated that the athletes around the world not only know themselves, but are afraid of themselves, and said:

They say, “(The Turks are coming). In the past, when we entered the hall, it was not very effective from the opponent’s side, but now when we step into the hall, they know that they are competing in medals both as a team and individually. They are afraid of us. We work with a very good system. The whole national team is working at the same time. We are very ambitious and There are athletes who work hard. In this direction, we have a goal of going to the 2024 Paris Olympics as a team.”

Emphasizing that they will continue to achieve success, Arıcan said, “The year 2023 will be the year of me and my teammates. We will achieve great successes together.” said.

Pointing out that Turkish gymnastics is talked about in the world, Arıcan said, “After the first medal I won in Tokyo, we will go to the 2024 Paris Olympics with the goal of winning a few medals. The whole world press is following us. We will achieve this goal by doing our best and working hard.” she said.
