‘Ambition level of northern business community can rise considerably’

The Groningen, North and Central Drenthe region does too little with the economic potential in the area. That’s what economists from Rabobank say in a report on the area. The region has grown less rapidly than other parts of the country over the past 25 years. According to the researchers, Drenthe and Groningen can play a leading role when it comes to sustainability, the energy transition and green technology.

The report of Rabobank Kring Groningen & Drenthe is about the metropolitan region of Groningen. The municipalities of Aa and Hunze, Assen, Noordenveld, Tynaarlo and Midden-Drenthe also belong to this region in the study. In the study, 33 people from the northern business community, education and healthcare were interviewed. NOM director Dina Boonstra, Mare Riemersma (board of the Drenthe College), Paul van der Wijk (chair of the board of the Wilhelmina Hospital Assen) and students from Groningen took part.

The researchers conclude that the ambition level of the northern business community can increase considerably. To do this, the region must shake off its unjustified modesty. According to Rabobank, the area ‘with its unique strength can play a decisive role in the new sustainable and inclusive economy’.

The northern region is very suitable for becoming the sustainable energy region of our country: there is space, the infrastructure (roads and railways, ed.) is good and there is also enough knowledge in the area. The region can become a frontrunner in the production of green hydrogen and is already playing a leading role in the field of power production with wind and solar energy, the researchers say.

It would be good for the Groningen, North and Central Drenthe region if the government made the choice to fully embark on the energy transition in this region. The bank emphasizes that speed in decision-making is necessary through good cooperation between government and business. Decisiveness encourages entrepreneurs to continue investing in the energy transition and sustainability.

The researchers advise companies to join forces. By working together you are stronger when you sit at the table with important parties, is the advice. It is important for companies that they have close contact with government and education, because the latter two are very decisive when it comes to policy.

Better cooperation between business and education is necessary in any case, say the researchers. At the moment, both work too much independently of each other. As a result, knowledge about major social themes reaches the business community too little, and young talent also does not easily find their way from training to business. Schoolchildren and students should, among other things, meet people from the business world at an early stage.

It would also be good for companies that are technologically advanced to take the lead, so that they can pull other companies along in the transition to a more sustainable economy. According to Rabobank, this is particularly good for small and medium-sized businesses. Furthermore, the startup climate should be improved. Starting entrepreneurs are often innovative, but finding suitable financing is often difficult for startups.

The researchers also recommend investing in the leisure economy in rural areas in the Northern Netherlands. Healthy aging, in other words healthy aging, is also an important theme to invest in, the researchers recommend. Money must be spent on initiatives that can ensure that the elderly can live longer at home with good care, is the advice. Accessibility of the North from the rest of the Netherlands is very important in this regard.
