Amber wants to improve not only patients, but the entire healthcare system

Amsterdam’s Amber Boot wears her doctor’s coat with pride. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t question the way doctors provide care. Because it can always be better. In fact, it must be better. So she makes it together with other doctors in training “Care of Tomorrow”, a documentary that shows which initiatives and changes are already underway to make healthcare more human again. She hopes that the documentary will lead doctors to talk to each other. What that conversation should be about, she tells at NH Combatants.

Amber Boot during the shooting of Warriors – Photos: Melle Bos

Amber is a Warrior: an inspiring North Hollander, who makes a positive contribution to society based on her own experience. NH News gives people like Amber a platform.

To support her presentation, she has with her the two objects we recognize a doctor by: the stethoscope and the white coat. A jacket that too many doctors in training consider hanging up early. Amber hopes that her documentary helps a little bit to keep healthcare healthy, including for the healthcare providers themselves.

“Care of Tomorrow” will soon be available at NH News.

Amber Boot during the shooting of Warriors – Photos: Melle Bos

‘Strijders’ can also be listened to as a podcast. Subscribe to the series through your favorite podcast provider.

Listen to the episode below with Amber.

In the Warriors program, inspiring North Hollanders tell their story. They each try to make the world a little more beautiful in their own way.

Warriors will be broadcast on the TV channel of NH Nieuws and via our website. The stories can also be listened to as a podcast. Subscribe to it via your favorite podcast channel. Here you will find an overview of all Warriors.
