Amazon Prime Air started with packages afleveren via drones in de VS | tech

The residents of Lockeford and College Station can register for the service. After the placement of the order word and the order given, there is a drone on the given side of the package that is ordered in the tuin van de clant must be delivered.

The two locations zijn by Amazon uitgekozen vanwege hun indoor sanctuary, de light and cheap ligging. Lockeford had around 3,500 residents in the east of the Californian city of Sacramento. The indoor area of ​​College Station is around 120,000 and is almost 161 kilometers away from Houston. Uitaindelijk is het de bedoeling dat de service stelselmatig wordt uitgebreid naar sea staden.

Afgelopen june kondigde Amazon de start van het project aan. Two months later, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has drones and used packages for shipping. The maximum load capacity for the drone is approximately 2.2 kg. Amazon shows that 85 percent van zijn zendingen onder dat weight Vallen, Schreef ‘Bloomberg’ in April.

Amazon used a large MK27-2 drone with two propellers. Op dit moment is the need for court on a secure door. The drones fly independently and use algorithms on obstacles such as lifting distances and schoorstenen te vermijden, terwijl Amazon-Medewerkers de Leveringen in de Gaten Hoden.
