Amazon plans second Prime Day in autumn

The regular Amazon Prime Day takes place on July 12th and 13th. But even before it starts, there are indications of another shopping event specifically for Prime subscribers.

According to a report by “CNBC”, the “Prime Fall” is to take place in the fourth quarter, more precisely in the fall. It would be the first time Amazon has hosted two Prime Days in one year. An exact date has not yet been set. The second Amazon Prime Day should take place sometime in the fall.

Second Amazon Prime Day in autumn

This means that several shopping events would accumulate in the fourth quarter. For example, September 11th is Singles Day, November 25th is Black Friday and November 28th is Cyber ​​Monday. All three dates are not only marked in red on Amazon’s calendar. Other (online) shops are also using these days to advertise special offers. It is therefore somewhat surprising that Amazon would like to start another Prime Day in autumn, i.e. exactly during this period.

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Unlike the shopping events mentioned in November, Amazon organizes Prime Day exclusively. It is therefore a good opportunity for the online retailer to conclude new Prime subscriptions, as this is a prerequisite for accessing the offers. Amazon has not yet officially confirmed the second Prime Day in autumn. According to CNBC, the company has already started informing retailers about the “Prime Fall”.

The info message states: “The Prime Fall Deal event is a Prime-exclusive shopping event that takes place in the fourth quarter”. “Submit recommended lightning offers for this event for a chance to have your offer selected!”

More on Prime Day in July:

Amazon aims for higher sales

The reason why Amazon could host another Prime Day in the fourth quarter is easy to explain. The company’s growth rates in April were at their lowest since the dot-com bust in 2001. As a result, Amazon is fighting for every customer.

Against the background of inflation in many core markets, the rising prices for services such as Amazon Music and probably Prime soon, it is not that easy to persuade customers to take out a Prime subscription or to make expensive purchases. Amazon could therefore see the second Prime Day in autumn as a good incentive.

