Amazon: Dispute over home office regulation

It was only in September 2022 that Amazon CEO Andrew R. Jassy assured that he had no plans to order his employees back to the office. Around five months later, a new decision hits the employees like a blow. Since May 2023, everyone should go back to the office at least three times a week. But many refuse.

• A new home office regulation has been in effect since May 2023
• Employees react with opposition or even resign
• CEO Andrew Jassy threatens consequences

Amazon’s three-day rule

There is not even half a year between the two statements by Amazon CEO Jassy. Jassy initially emphasized to the CNN portal that there is no universal solution and that each team should decide for itself how it works best. Nonetheless, the three-day rule was announced in February 2023. As a reaction to this – from the employee’s point of view – sudden decision, a Slack channel was set up in which employees exchanged information about the new announcement. Many reacted with frustration and anger at the lack of transparency and the suddenness of the decision. Some Amazon employees even had to change their place of residence in order to be able to meet the home office regulations. A petition signed by 30,000 employees followed, but this could not prevent the implementation of the decision in May 2023.

According to yahoo!finance, at the end of August the CEO of the tech giant cited teamwork, the company’s performance and corporate policy as the reason for this sudden change in management policy. According to the news provider “heise”, he also named the support of local businesses by employees of the Amazon offices. After the pandemic, these are particularly dependent on income. In addition, according to Business Insider, almost all of the managers surveyed shared his opinion in a survey he conducted himself. However, “heise” reports that Jassy admitted that it was a purely discretionary decision.

The pressure should now be increased internally

Despite the strong resistance of the employees, their petitions and threats of termination, the group does not deviate from its plan. Jassy’s plea for office work was the subject of heated debate and met with different reactions from the workforce. Even months after the rule went into effect, some employees refused to come into the office. Now the CEO, who has been at the top since 2021, seems to be reacting indignantly. According to reports from the news portal Business Insider, he settled accounts with the relevant employees in a meeting and even threatened them. According to Jassy, ​​people who want to remain in the home office and do not agree with the new regulation have no future in the company. It is simply unfair if only part of the team adheres to the new rules.

According to an article by t3n, a change or even suspension of the regulation does not seem very likely to date. The further consequences therefore remain to be seen for the time being.

J. Vogel / Editor

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Image sources: Jonathan Weiss /, Sundry Photography /
