Amanda Bynes was told by Hollywood director that she looked like “a monster” | celebrities

celebritiesAmanda Bynes, 35, took to Instagram to say that a Hollywood director once told her that she “looks like a monster” in a certain light. The American actress has indeed been a bit more active on social media lately. Earlier this month, Bynes thanked her followers for all the support she had received after she petitioned to lift her from receivership.

“The reason I don’t usually look that great in paparazzi photos is because I squeeze my eyes shut when I look at the sun,” Amanda Bynes captioned a short video of herself on Instagram. She continues: “The photos I share are taken in flattering light, in the shade or outdoors without the sun shining on my face. I once made a movie where the director told me I looked like a monster in a certain light.” The actress did not disclose which director it is. In the past, Bynes has appeared in some major films such as ‘What A Girl Wants, ‘Easy A’, and ‘Hairspray’.

Watch here: Amanda Bynes thanks fans on Instagram for love and support.

These are also exciting times for Amanda Bynes. At the end of February, the actress submitted a request to the judge to lift the receivership that she has been under for nine years. The 35-year-old actress wants to do and decide for herself again in the future. In addition, Bynes also wants to regain control of her fortune. “Amanda wants the government to end. She is feeling better and believes that court protection is no longer necessary,” David A. Esquibias, the actress’s attorney, told People. The case will return to court on March 22.

The American came under guardianship in 2013 after she was admitted to a clinic due to mental problems. She also struggled with addictions. In recent years, Bynes seemed to be doing better, but last year she went back to a mental health clinic. Amanda Bynes’ parents would also support their daughter’s request. The lawyer of the former actress has informed TMZ.


Former child star Amanda Bynes, like Britney Spears, wants to get rid of curatorship and thanks fans for their support

Parents Amanda Bynes support end of custody application

Amanda Bynes submits application to lift receivership
