Amalia obtained her hunting license | Inland

Amalia has previously reported in her book that she intended to obtain the deed. She previously obtained her diploma. She said she did this at the insistence of her father, King Willem-Alexander. In her book, Amalia said that the deed “is not immediately intended to go hunting, but mainly serves as preparation for the future management of Kroondomein Het Loo in Apeldoorn”.

Future fighter

A few clear criteria have been drawn up for obtaining a hunting license. For example, a future hunter must have the opportunity to hunt, have the option to obtain a weapon and be in possession of a good weapon safe. The application and issuance of a hunting certificate go through the Chief of Police Department in the region where a future hunter lives.

The royal hunt is a sensitive subject, especially when it comes to the Crown Estate. The Party for the Animals previously asked questions about the intention of the Princess of Orange to go hunting.
