Amalia in the photo with new boy: ‘Major doubts about publication’

Princess Amalia has been spotted in Venice with an unknown boy, but Evert Santegoeds does not dare to publish the photos of that togetherness in the Private. “Her father is in court.”

© SBS 6

Princess Amalia turned up in Venice last weekend, in the company of the Belgian royal family. They were in town for the Armani fashion show. Later she was spotted in town on a terrace eating an ice cream in the company of some guy. That photo is here and there can be found onlinebut not with Evert.

William’s photo

Private boss Evert Santegoeds does not dare, he says Show news. “She was spotted there with a boy, eating an ice cream. That doesn’t immediately look very in love. I also understood from a good source that it is not her new boyfriend, but yes: Amalia with a new boy in her area… It is a boy, you know, that is always news.”

In principle, you should always publish news, says Evert. “Still, we didn’t take the risk of showing that, because I’ve seen that courtroom in advance and when you enter there, there’s a picture of her father, so you know who wins.”

fashion show

Amalia had been covering up at the fashion show. “They prefer not to be photographed at such a fashion show. Even though it is a public place, they are private there. Then you shouldn’t be photographing that. We did, because yes, there is also a limit to the media code.”

Morrend bends Evert for that code again. With fresh reluctance. “There is also a film festival, so if you want to walk inconspicuously on the street, you should not do that in Venice at the moment.”
