Amadeus will host the Sanremo Festival in 2023 and 2024

TOmadeus, 59, does not leave. On the contrary: doubles. Yes, because they will still be in his hands – either as artistic director and as conductor – the next two editions of the Sanremo Festivalnamely that of 2023 and 2024.

Sanremo 72, Amadeus. (IPA)

Thus emerged from the meeting this morning between Carlo FuortesCEO of Rai, the director of Prime Time Stefano Coletta it’s the same Amadeuswho have talked to each other for a long time.

«I am happy and honored by the proposal of the managing director Carlo Fuortes and the director of Prime Time Stefano Coletta. I have now received this offer allows you to work immediately. I can not wait to startAmadeus said.

Coletta’s “threat” to Amadeus

However, Coletta had already “threatened” him in February 2022, in the final press conference of the Festival. “To use a football metaphor, Never change a winning teamColetta had said. «He It would be crazy with this success don’t think about an Amadeus conduction, but everything is still to be decided, we will all decide together, Amadeus first ». On that occasion, the conductor had taken timebut evidently he then allowed himself to be persuaded.

Mahmood and Blanco triumph in Sanremo 2022 with “Broglie”: the announcement of the victory

Mahmood and Blanco triumph in Sanremo 2022 with “Broglie”: the announcement of the victory

This proposal by the Rai leaders came in response to the success of the last edition, which marked a audience boom almost every evening: it seems that the last edition of the Festival was the most followed by viewers since 1997 (the final was followed by 13,380,000 spectators with the 64.9% share).

And so, with this double assignment of office, Amadeus puts himself in the wake of the records of Mike Bongiorno And Pippo Baudowho have been conducting five Consecutive festivals each.

The host: “We made the revolution”

The next two editions will be the the result of a journey that has already lasted for two years. “It all started in the first year,” said Amadeus. “That had been a gathering festival, everything was normal, beautiful, everything was festive, joyful“.


Amadeus, what a gag with Drusilla on the Ariston stage! (IPA)

Then, the following year, “we have plunged into the drama“. This year’s Sanremo, he continued, «is the son of last year’s Sanremo. Last year was very important. That’s where I thought of something that seemed crazy, to musically transform the festival. The director Stefano Coletta supported me“.

The conductor has decided to «give to the public, above all to the youngest who have suffered most of all the closuretheir festival, giving them the priority over all other targets“. That’s why «it was the festival of the musical revolutionAmadeus’s bet has been won: we might as well play again.

