Alvari Perätorvi of the waterfall seems familiar

Alvari Perätorvi is a very familiar Putous character.

Alvari Perätorvi is one of the new sketch characters of Putusus, which started last week. Jussi Eskola

Aapo Oranen introduced his sketch character Alvari Perätorven at the Falls last week. In addition to the lack of trousers, it also attracted attention that Perätorvi seems very familiar. Many could think of it Aku Hirviniemi character Timo Harjakainen from more than 10 years ago.

– Harjakainen has not been a source of inspiration here, Oranen tells Iltalehti.

– However, it is true that there are a lot of parodies in my character about the sketch characters I have seen over the years. My character is as superior as possible, and it has a real dose of sketch character parody, which is what Finns love in addition to hockey and skiing.

Such was the character of Aku Hirviniemi’s Timo Harjakainen. MTV3

Oranen recalls how sketch characters have a long tradition in Finland, and they have been seen in Kummeli and Pulttibois, not to mention older programs.

Oranen says that the biggest source of inspiration in addition to the old sketch characters is “one accordionist from old home corners”.

Transience is also indicated by hypersensitivity.

– If someone is a bad thing, it is that there are no pants on their feet in front of a million people. Alvari is without pants because he thinks it’s fun, Oranen smiles.

Alvari Perätorvi is seen on stage without pants. Jussi Eskola

Oranen, a native of Jyväskylä and living in Mikkeli, is participating in the Falls for the first time. He got into the program like others through exam descriptions.

In previous years, he didn’t even try to apply for the Fall, as no faith in his own possibilities was found.

– I thought that it is useless to apply if you do not have an impact in the Helsinki metropolitan area, have not attended the Theater Academy or are not already familiar with it. If I had known that the program would be so open-minded, I would have applied before.

Oranen is originally a musician. He studied directing theater expression at the Turku Academy of Arts.

– I’ve always been pretty actor-oriented. The pallets attract.
