Altroconsumo, where to shop cheaper

THEn a scenario where inflation is eroding the savings of Italians and increasingly reducing the purchasing power of consumers, for families it becomes extremely precious every tool that can help them save, in particular, on spending, a large item in the budget and above all difficult to compress: how to make it cheap, in cheaper supermarkets , according to Altroconsumo.

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The cheapest supermarkets, the Altroconsumo survey

So this year too Altroconsumo’s survey on cheaper supermarkets comes to the rescue of the wallet of the Italians, helping them to locate the cheapest banners on the national territory and to identify in each city the points of sale where you can spend less.

The survey measures the prices of stores and large-scale retail chains on the basis of 4 possible spending baskets: branded products, commercial brand, cheaper And mixed. The survey was carried out in 1,203 shops distributed in 67 Italian cities.

Altroconsumo’s survey on cheaper supermarkets comes to the rescue of Italian wallets (Getty)

Mixed shopping: the winning chains

Between hyper and super visited, the chain that in our survey allows you to save more for the “Mixed shopping” (with products of all kinds, cheaper, private label and branded) is also this year Family Superstore. In fact, it obtained an index of 100 in the specific classification.

As for the discount stores, however, In’s Mercato conquers the top.

Shopping with the cheapest products

Despite the steep price increases, discount stores are still the cheapest choice in absolute terms: in fact, they occupy the first eight places in the ranking of “Shopping with the cheapest products”. Aldi and Eurospin have lost the first position reached in 2022 and conquered this year, also for this type of expense, by In’s Marketeven if for a short time.

In fact, for cheaper products, the differences between the signs are not so marked. Indeed, it seems that the discounters have aligned and that therefore there is less opportunity to save between one chain and another than when shopping for a mixed bag: we can see this from the scores of the classification in the special, which are not so distant from each other.

Cheaper shopping with branded products

Esselunga Superstore leads the spending chart with only branded products, along with Family Superstore (first also for this cart as well as for mixed shopping). In general, however, even for branded shopping, there are no great savings opportunities between one brand and another: the indices are all very close.

The only sign that stands out in a negative way is Carrefour Market which is at the bottom, at a good distance from the penultimate ones. Be careful, in this case, to choose the point of sale well: on average, in fact, the same products, in different shops in the same city, especially depending on the area, can even be found on sale for even three times the price.

Trademark shopping in hyper and super

According to a study by the analyst firm Circana, the success of discounters increases with rising inflation, but also of “private label” or products with the brand of the chain, on which hyper and super are aiming to counter the advance of the discounters. And consumers, it seems, appreciate the generally lower costs, especially in times of high prices. The cheapest sign for these products at the time of our survey is Conad space, the hypermarket of the homonymous chain.

