Although there are still showers in the north, but no longer code yellow

Although there are still showers in the north, but no longer code yellow ANP

Despite the fact that it continues to rain in the north of the Netherlands in the night from Sunday to Monday, according to the KNMI, there is no code yellow anywhere in the country. Also Monday morning there will be some rain showers over the country, but they will be less heavy than the thunderstorms on Sunday.

Especially in the northern half of the country, even some rain will fall on Monday afternoon. But in the course of the evening it will be mostly dry.

The KNMI issued a code yellow for the whole of the Netherlands on Sunday because of passing thunderstorms. This caused flooding, especially in North Brabant and Limburg.

De Bilt registered the second wettest Whitsun Day ever. On Sunday, according to Weeronline, 21.5 millimeters of rain fell.
