Also in the country there are many naked photos of real girls made with artificial intelligence round | Inland

Also in the country there are many photos of the photos taken and the images are made with artificial intelligence. The first thing you can do is get the Spaanse dorp Almendralejo al opgeschrikt door misbruik van deze Ziehaamde ‘deepnudes’. De daders were tienerjongens, vaak zelfs klasgenoten van de slachtoffers. VTM NIEUWS-onderzoeksjournalist Joppe Nuyts light het fenomeen, that also bij ons bestaat, toe. Hij raadt slachtoffers aan zich te turn to the policy of tot ervaren organizations om de foto’s zo snel mogelijk offline te kunnen laten halen.


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9:09 p.m


Deep nudes are naked photos which are made with artificial intelligence (AI) based on a existing photo of a real person. Vaak zijn de slachtoffers tienermeisjes, de daders vaak tienerjongens. “Je stuurt a foto van een person naar een chatvenster,” says Joppe Nuyts uit aan de hand van één bepaald programma, the onderzoeksjournalist uiteraard afraadt en daarom also niet bij naam noemt. “I have options such as ‘naked’, ‘bikini’ and ‘lingerie’. Wij hebben voor het onderzoek kozenen voor ‘naakt’ and within a few seconds take a photo of the person in person – we also have the original photo taken – you can see it in the naakt.” The AI ​​the viewer cite, maakt the photo’s heel realistically overkomen, alsof the person he écht naakt opstaat, also it is a vals lichaam, fabricated by the computer on basis of AI. “That’s what it’s all about, and how it works,” Aldus nog Nuyts.

Child Focus kreeg afgelopen zomer twee klachten within van girls die het slachtoffer van deepnudes. A hen is a mother of two years. “Guilty gang, ashamed and confused anger because of this, it has not yet been reported to politics. He is sure that the two pictures were never made in one hand… How his hair was loved, he thinks. “Ook hair mama neemt hair niet au sérieux,” he sounds in the publishing house of Child Focus.

Nuyts went online op zoek naar de motives van enkele fatherers. “Sommigen doen het uit humoristische overwegingen, what eigenlijk gewoon puur pestgedrag is in my ogen,” Aldus Nuyts. “Opwinding can also be played on a roll: some photos come also on porn channels. En deepnudes were zelfs misbruikt door criminal organizations, om slachtoffers te chanteren.”

Slachtoffers may never have heard anything, says Nuyts. “Contacteer instanties the daar ervaring mee hebben. Contact the politician, you can chat in. You can do it quickly, the bigger the photo is, you can see it offline. You can also have contact with organizations as the Child Focus of the Institute for the Health of Women and Men.”

“When he overcomes, the heel is important to him and he is ashamed of himself, and he erects his prayers with someone who trusts him – he also has something to do with someone else. “Grandchildren also know that we are worried that the pictures have been taken offline,” confirms Niels Van Paemel from Child Focus.

“Ga zeker ook zelf dit soort foto’s niet versturen or verspreiden”, says Nuyts aan. “As the oorspronkelijke photo is still herkenbaar, it is like voyeurism. That is a serious legal overtreding, which was already in the state.” In Spanje, eleven young girls are still being packaged to make and spread deep nudes from a dertigtal girls.

VTM NIEUWS-onderzoeksjournalist Joppe Nuyts. © Screenshot / ID/ Maarten De Bouw
