Also Hoge Raad van Justitie vraagt ​​sereniteit in debate around zaak Sanda-Dia: “Vertrouwen in Rechtsstaat not ondermijnen” | landlocked

Other half of the week after the last day of the process, the practice will be in the Zaak-Sanda Dia voor Commotie zorgen. Dat de drunken Reuzegommer come away with a penalties and a boat can he very much not in, with the known making of the led van de student club and family and bedreingen aan advocaten tot gevolg. The Hoge Raad van Justitie (HRJ) urges aan op sereniteit in the debate.

“The HRJ takes care of the decisions made and the processing of rights by law is not respected”, writes the Raad on the Haar website.

“Discussies about the zin van works and geldboetes for bepaalde misdrijven serve in the first place in the parliament. The HRJ knows that there is a need for duidelijke communicatie over Rechtserlijke uitspraken, also towards younger ones who inform you about it via TikTok and other social media. Het is the responsible person responsible for the rights, the lawyer, the media and the politicians in the courts and arrests of the two countries are not entrusted to the rule of law.”

YouTuber Acid too, last week, the names and photos of some Reuzegommers in a YouTube film, were also from two leden from the student club, which will not be resolved before the fatal doop from Sanda Dia. That suffered or other deaths from the covering of one Antwerp restaurant from the other from both students. Dat Acid daarvoor zo veel kritiek kreeg, zette CD&V-vorzitter Sammy Mahdi ertoe aan om zelfuit te halen naar het vonnis in a TikTok-filmpje.

KIJK. Sammy Mahdi dedicates himself to the burning boom on TikTok

In lost cities, such as Leuven, Hasselt, Ghent and Brugge, there will be protests and also in the Netherlands there will be no protest actions. In Ghent, the names of the eighth Reuzegommers will be made public in the Graffitistraatje in Ghent. Vandaag kreeg een van de Reuzegom-advocaten bovendia een three-letter in de brievenbus.

De commotie zette minister van Justitie Vincent Van Quickenborne (Open Vld) he last week al toe aan om op te roepen tot sereniteit in the debate. Vandaag zeet de Hoge Raad van Justitie zich genoodzaakt om the oproep te herhalen.

Media zijn bij processes terughoudend om names te noemen van suspicion of veroordeelden, of om hen herkenbaar in beeld te brengen. That also applies to HLN. In most of the legal bank transactions, there are grandchildren’s initials and rastered photos. Om van der Regel af te wijken nemen we altijd -helemaal onafhankelijk- verschillende factors in overweging. Is there a question about maatschappelijk? That is overdue here. May also be the second of the tightening. Omdat in dit arrest geen effectiveieve gevangenisstrafffen zijn uitgesproken, we have gekozen om in one article geen full names te noemen of foto’s te ton. The principe state los van de kritiek which he te geven is op het arrest.
