Also fatal victim in Germany due to summer storm Poly | Abroad

A man died on Wednesday during the storm that raged over the Netherlands and Germany. In the village of Rhede, in northwestern Germany near the Dutch border, he was struck by a falling tree while walking his dog. He died on the spot from his injuries, German media reported.

The summer storm Poly also brings heavy wind and rain in Germany. Meteorologists warn of wind speeds of more than 130 kilometers per hour in the north of the country. Schools in the state of Lower Saxony have partially canceled their classes, and several cemeteries have been closed in Hamburg.

Storm Poly has also claimed a fatality in the Netherlands. A 51-year-old woman died after a tree fell on her car in Haarlem.

Clearing trees that have fallen on roads due to the storm is expected to take several more days, according to the Kennemerland Security Region. The North Holland North Safety Region has announced that it will be working on solving direct cases in the coming hour. Although it is difficult to predict, the spokesman expects most incidents to be resolved by about six o’clock in the evening.

The safety regions are working with the fire brigade, municipalities and private landscaping companies to remove fallen trees and broken branches from the roads. Priority is given to the most important roads, such as highways. Subsequently, provincial, city and village roads will be tackled. “In general, we ensure that the connecting roads remain open,” said the spokesman for the North Holland North Safety Region.

READ ALSO. Code red ended in the Netherlands: “The alarm was sounded much too late” – Woman (51) dies because of a blown down tree on a car
