Also Emmer Bethelkerk and Berini factory in the picture as a new place Harmonium Museum

The Harmonium Museum in Barger-Compascuum has two new locations in mind as alternative accommodation. It concerns two locations in Emmen: the Bethel Church on the Sterrenkamp and the former Berini factory on the Bargermeer industrial estate.

Board member Koos Salomons reports this. The Harmonium Museum is currently located in the Veenpark, but no longer fits in with the new course that the Southeast Drenthe attraction wants to take. The museum, with a collection of about 200 instruments, is therefore looking for a new place.

The former milk factory in the Emmer district of Noordbarge has already attracted attention. This building currently houses the Center for Visual Arts (CBK), which will move to Rensenpark next year. As a result, the factory has come into the picture for the museum. He expects that a final decision can be made this fall.

“The preference is still for the dairy”, says Salomons. In the meantime, the museum is in talks with the municipality of Emmen about plans for alternative housing. A meeting with the province will follow shortly, he says. Despite this, the museum does not bet on a horse, according to the board member.
