Also elsewhere in Europe exceptionally warm on New Year’s Eve: “2022 will end with fireworks of records” | Weather news

This is how the KNMI predicts The Netherlands in the coming days “mild to very mild” weather “with possibly 15 degrees Celsius on New Year’s Eve”. If the temperature does indeed climb that high, they will also have a daily record in the Netherlands. The previous one is only from last year. Then the temperature in De Bilt – where the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute is located – climbed to 14.4 degrees.

Same story Germany. Again, the previous records only date from last year. According to the weather site, unprecedented temperatures were then recorded in Berlin (14.1 degrees) and Munich (15.3 degrees), among others. Seebach in the southwestern state of Baden-Württemberg even saw the mercury climb to 18.2 degrees. Those values ​​can now be exceeded. “Current forecasts point to almost 20 degrees during the day on December 31 for Freiburg,” it sounds today.

In France 2022 was the warmest year since 1947 and according to Dr Serge Zaka of the weather site Infoclimat, the year will “end with a firework of records”. “On December 31, the temperature can reach 14 to 18 degrees Celsius in the north and 15 to 22 degrees in the south,” he reports. “That is more than 8 degrees warmer than normal and one of the worst anomalies for more than a century.”


Although these are pleasant temperatures that allow us to save energy, Zaka also warns against the negative consequences of the exceptional heat. Including for agriculture and the environment. “Mild temperatures in winter make the buds bloom early and make them more sensitive to the April frost. Parasites and vermin can also survive more easily.”

Also in Spain is it currently warm for the time of year. Temperatures of 20 degrees or more are expected in most of the country on New Year’s Eve. According to the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (AEMET), the mercury is “between 5 and 10 degrees above normal values”.

“On December 31, the mercury in some places in the Bay of Biscay will not drop below 15 degrees and will even rise above 20 degrees,” an AEMET spokesperson told the Spanish news agency EFE. “On the Mediterranean, we even expect 22 degrees around noon.”

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