Also at Theater Antigone grief over the death of Reinhilde Decleir

Also at Theater Antigone grief over the death of Reinhilde Decleir

Reinhilde Decleir died yesterday, according to her own wish, after a long battle with cancer.

Reinhilde Decleir recently visited Theater Antigone in 2016. She said clearly what she means by her theater project. Empowering vulnerable people and making them aware of their own talent. “The people who are pushed into a corner who are said to be unable to do anything, that they are not important, that they are lazy, that they do not want to work, they get a place on the podium.”

Jos Verbist experienced it all when he worked with Reinhilde in Kortrijk as director of Antigone at the time. “What characterizes Reinhilde is her selflessness, her empathy and commitment to lift “weaker people”. To lift them above the possibilities they have. She succeeded in that. both here and in Antwerp, you will have months of broadcasting time too short, because there are countless.”

After her period in Kortrijk, Reinhilde set up the social-artistic collective Tutti-Fratelli in Antwerp. On an artistic level, the performances were also a way of keeping the local dialects alive. Reinhilde thought West Flemish was an ideal language for the stage. “She loved Gezelle. She loved those strange sounds. It is also a much nicer language than the “Antwaarps”, for example. It also sounds purer. As Antwerpers, we are jealous of your language. We skip the g and the h For the rest, that’s a beautiful language.”

Reinhilde Decleir turned 73 years old.

View our report from 2016, when Reinhilde was visiting Antigone:
