Also at RTL Boulevard doubts about ‘waste secret’ Samantha Steenwijk

After her somewhat embarrassing summary proceedings against Yvonne Coldeweijer, Samantha Steenwijk gets a kick from her own RTL Boulevard. After all, not everyone there is convinced of her ‘waste secret’.

© RTL Boulevard

Just before the turn of the year, Samantha Steenwijk caused quite a surprise with her sudden weight loss. She explained that she lost 22 pounds by riding a horse. Jeroen van der Boom thinks that is very remarkable and according to Yvonne Coldeweijer it is not true at all. She states that she has used illegal diet pills.

Happening around Samantha

Samantha’s long toes are notorious, so even though Yvonne took her video offline and posted two corrections, she still set up a legal circus. According to De Telegraaf, this is for the attention; Samantha herself claims that she fears an increase in IC patients due to diet pill users. “I am now their source of inspiration!!!!”

Before Samantha started making a fuss, however, hardly anyone had heard of those diet pills. The general tendency is that she only makes it worse herself. In fact, even her own RTL Boulevard does not really seem to be in camp Samantha. There she had already received a small blow from the stars at the desk.

Big kick after

And now Samantha also gets Boulevard editor Tim van Rodijnen over her. He writes for the website of the program a pretty tough column about the sore amazon. What seems? Not all of them at RTL Boulevard believe in Samantha’s ‘waste secret’.

Tim cynically: “Well, I’d like to be there, if the pounds do indeed fly off so quickly when you sit on a horse.”


It is very inconvenient that Samantha has blown it all up like that, Tim thinks. “Now more people are wondering whether she has lost weight illegally, yes or no. The verdict is only due in two weeks, but it already feels like the singer has lost.”

According to Tim, the summary proceedings had not been necessary at all. He points out that Yvonne has long since rectified, but that Samantha just wants that rectification to be something else. “A decent horse remedy, to go to court for something so small.”

bit strange

And what does Boulevard editor Tim think of Samantha shouting that it is Yvonne’s fault if people with a brain haemorrhage are in intensive care? “A bit strange, of course, because you have to hand it to her: if anyone says those pills are dangerous, it’s her (Yvonne, ed.).”

All in all, Samantha herself has taken care of this entire media circus, says Tim. He is looking forward to the juice video Yvonne has announced about this case. “I hardly dare to say it, but I can’t wait to hear what else Yvonne will say.”

You can read the column by editor Tim van Rodijnen on the website of RTL Boulevard
