Already 152 dead in heavy rain around Rio de Janeiro | Abroad

The number of people killed by landslides and flooding in Brazil’s Petrópolis city has risen to 152, including 28 children. 165 people are still missing. This is reported by the police and fire brigade.

Although rescue services have been searching for missing people for six days, the fire service believes it is still possible to find survivors.

At least 80 homes are said to have been hit by a mudslide and more than 300 people have left their homes in the tourist town. On Tuesday, the city received up to 260 millimeters of water in less than six hours, more than expected for the entire month of February.

President Jair Bolsonaro flew over the region when he returned from a visit to Russia and Hungary. “I saw enormous destruction. It was an image of war,” he declared.

Petrópolis, the summer residence of the former Imperial Court, is a tourist destination that, due to its altitude, attracts a large number of tourists in search of history, nature walks and a more temperate climate than that of the coasts of Rio de Janeiro.


