Alps are getting greener due to warming | Science & Planet

The scientists analyzed satellite images taken since 1984. Plant growth above the treeline increased in 77 percent of the surveyed area. The driving force behind this development is climate change.

The plants are advancing because the temperatures are rising, according to the researchers from the universities of Basel and Lausanne. This is unfavorable for plant species that have specifically adapted to the high altitudes and low temperatures of the Alps. They are in danger of being displaced by other species.

“Alpine plants are adapted to difficult conditions, but not very competitive,” said lead researcher Sabine Rumpf. “The unique biodiversity of the Alps is therefore coming under considerable pressure.”

In 10 percent of the area, the amount of snow has decreased since 1984. That percentage is not very high, but the researchers fear a vicious circle. “Greener mountains reflect less sunlight, leading to more warming, further decreasing the snow cover that reflects light.”
