Alpine skiing | Comeback has to wait: Superstar misses the start of the season

The new Alpine ski season starts on October 28th with the World Cup in Sölden. Meta Hrovat, a superstar, has already had to cancel.

“I can’t carry out the training the way we imagined, neither in terms of quality nor quantity. I’ve already deleted Sölden from my season plan, that’s for sure,” said Hrovat on “”. The Slovenian is struggling with back problems.

In October 2022, Hrovat actually announced the end of her career – at just 24 years old. In a statement, she emphasized that she had “lost the sparkle in her eyes.” She is “infinitely happy” to be able to make this difficult decision “in a relatively good state.”

Meta Hrovat with resignation from resignation

But in April of this year, the U-turn: Hrovat decided to continue her career after all. “Meta has decided to make a comeback. She has the feeling that skiing is still her world,” said Slovenia’s ski boss Janez Slivnik at a press conference.

“She has completely recovered from her knee injury and the last injury no longer causes her any problems. And Meta’s fitness has always been beyond question,” Slivnik continued.

But now Hrovat has to struggle with other problems, her comeback will have to wait for now. “We said from the beginning that this would be a transitional season, so there’s no point in setting goals. We’ll see how fast I can be in the races,” said the now 25-year-old.

In 2018 in Davos and 2019 in Fassatal, Hrovat won gold at the Alpine Junior Ski World Championships. Despite her young age, the slalom expert has already stood on a World Cup podium four times. She finished a strong seventh in the giant slalom at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.
