Alperen Şengün’s rising form continues! – Latest NBA news

National basketball player Alperen Şengün continues to increase his performance in his 3rd season in the NBA, the American Basketball League.

The 21-year-old center, who plays for Houston Rockets, played an average of 31.5 minutes in 6 games this season, averaging 18.2 points, 8.5 rebounds, 7 assists and 1 steal per game.

Şengün, who completed the game with a double-double in 2 of the 6 matches he played, broke his career record with 12 assists against the Sacramento Kings in their last league game.

While Houston Rockets were defeated in their first 3 matches in the league, they left the field with a victory in their last 3 matches.

Alperen’s Houston will host Los Angeles Lakers on Thursday, November 9 at 04.00 CET.
