Alopecia areata: baricitinib is the first cure for those who suffer from it

P.losing hair can become a drama if the hair goes away leaving bald patches on the head, that is, if you suffer from alopecia areata: it affects about 2 percent of the population, including women, and it is the fault of the “crazy” immune system that attacks the hair follicles causing local inflammation that causes hair and hair to fall out, blocking their regrowth.

The drug against alopecia

The European Medicines Agency has just approved baricitiniban immunosuppressant already employed in rheumatoid arthritis and atopic dermatitis, such as first and only oral therapy for adults with severe alopecia areata: «It is not yet available in Italy but it is a great step forward for a disease that has so far been without treatment» observes Biancamaria Mancini, head of research and development at the Helvetico Sanders Institute.

Baricitinib should be prescribed after an accurate diagnosis, because alopecia areata is not the only disease that causes hair to fall out: «The various causes require different therapeutic approaches» says Norma Cameli of the San Gallicano Dermatological Institute in Rome.

For the diagnosis, family predisposition, lifestyle and stress level are assessed. Trichoscopy, a non-invasive method with which to analyze the scalp, is recommended, and blood tests are useful to assess whether there are vitamin deficiencies, alterations in ferritin or thyroid hormones, excessive androgen levels. In the latter case it could be androgenetic alopecia and then a pelvic ultrasound is needed, because it is often associated with polycystic ovary syndrome “.

