Almost winter time! That’s how it is with changing the clock

Have you already put it in your agenda? Winter time will start on the night of October 28 to 29, 2023. Do you have analog clocks or alarm clocks in your home that do not change automatically? Then make sure you adjust the time properly. But uh, what was it again? Is time going forward or backward? We have the answer for you.

Here it comes: we turn the clock back one hour. Officially this is from 3 a.m. so you set the clock to 2 a.m., but you can of course also do that a little earlier or later.


So we have an extra hour to drink a beer, dance, sleep or celebrate the weekend. Yesss! Good to know: there is a mnemonic. In the foryears go by foroff and for the autumn: when the weather deteriorates, the clock also goes backwards.

Summer time 2024

Summer time will start again on the night of March 30 to 31, 2024. As you now know, the clock goes forward one hour. In total it is summer time for seven months and winter time for five months.

No more winter time?

The European Commission wanted to abolish summer and winter time from 2019. But that proposal did not get enough votes. Perhaps EU countries will one day choose for themselves whether they opt for permanent summer or winter time.
