Almost six percent of De Wolden households are millionaires

The municipality of De Wolden has taken over from Westerveld in terms of the highest percentage of households that are millionaires in Drenthe. In 2021, 5.8 percent of households in De Wolden had assets of more than one million, according to figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

In Westerveld it is 5.7 percent, Tynaarlo follows with 5.6. In 2020, relatively speaking, most millionaires still lived in the municipality of Westerveld (5.4 percent), which was just ahead of De Wolden at the time.

Assen (1.6 percent) and Emmen (1.7 percent) remain the municipalities with the fewest millionaires in relative terms. Hoogeveen is also stuck below two percent.

Nationally, Bloemendaal (29.7) and Laren (27) are the municipalities where most millionaires live. The number of households with assets exceeding one million on 1 January 2021 has risen nationally to 317,000, 32 thousand more than the year before. About four percent of households in the Netherlands were millionaires in 2021. From 2014 there is an increasing trend in the number of millionaires in the Netherlands.

You get the title ‘millionaire’ when you have assets of at least one million euros. The value of the owner-occupied home and any mortgage debt are included in this. Not every millionaire in the Netherlands therefore has seven figures in the bank account.

Two-thirds of working millionaires were self-employed. These were mainly director-major shareholders and independent entrepreneurs. Most millionaires come from the financial services industry, 44 percent of the self-employed are millionaires in this sector.

Agriculture is also doing well in this respect, in 2021 42 percent of the self-employed in this sector had assets of more than one million. They are mainly active in dairy farms and in companies that grow grains or vegetables.
