Almost seven times more reports of fireworks nuisance than last year in Amsterdam

Despite the fireworks ban that applies to all of Amsterdam, there are many more reports of fireworks nuisance than in previous years. The number of reports rose sharply, especially in October of this year. That there is already a lot of chipping, according to dog owner Lot Moorrees, among others, can be noticed. “If I’m in the Rembrandtpark for an hour, I hear at least three or four bangs.”

Fireworks – NH News

Where about four hundred reports of fireworks nuisance were made to the municipality in October 2020, there were around a hundred a year later. But in October this year, the reports skyrocketed. “Two weeks ago, fireworks were set off in the night in Osdorp,” says a boy on Delflandplein. In just over a month, the number of reports has increased by almost seven times, bringing the counter to 737 reports in 2022.

It is not clear where the increase in reports comes from, according to the municipality: “An increase in explosions is of course conceivable given that we were in lockdown around the turn of the year last year. But people may know better where they can report.”

War situation

Lot Moorrees lives near the Rembrandtpark and walks there every day with her two dogs. “The problem is that my dogs are scared to death by the explosions.” Last year, her dogs were running loose when a loud bang was heard: “The brown one ran home, across the Hoofdweg with all the danger that entails. That was very frightening.”

“With one bang, she is already shaking with her tail between her legs”

Lot Moorrees about her dog

Not only Lot notices the violent fireworks in the city, as a passer-by says: “I was shocked by typhus. Some kind of bomb was set off. I really don’t think that’s possible.” Others talk about “some sort of war situation” that would be imitated.

“I know what I do with New Year’s Eve. I sit with my dogs in the bathroom to cause them as little fear as possible: “With one bang, she is already shaking with her tail between her legs.”

New years eve

During the turn of the year there is a ban on fireworks from the municipality throughout Amsterdam. Every year there is a tight capacity in terms of officers: “Just like in other years, the limited capacity of the police and THOR will have to be used smartly,” says a spokesperson.

Opinions on the street differ considerably on whether fireworks should be banned or allowed. “Fireworks are beautiful, they should be allowed if they don’t become dangerous,” two boys say. But one woman is critical of it: “It’s always dangerous, because things can go very wrong. I don’t understand how this is part of our culture.” Lot believes that the responsibility also lies with parents: “They must teach their children that not everyone enjoys it.”
