Almost 8 tons for restoration of Oldambster farm in Drieborg | News item

News item | 13-10-2023 | 4:15 PM

State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) has made €756,968 available for the restoration of the so-called ‘Pink Farm’ in Drieborg. This means that sufficient money is available to start, among other things, the restoration and damage repair of this 157-year-old national monument. Previously, State Secretary Vijlbrief (Mining) allocated an amount through the Intervention Team for Stalled Situations. The province of Groningen has also reserved resources.

The Oldambtster farm has a turbulent recent history. The 157-year-old national monument is located just outside the impact area of ​​the Groningen earthquakes. According to the residents, the subsidence that the building is experiencing is indeed a result of the earthquakes. As a result, the farm and the necessary repair and restoration work were in danger of falling through the cracks. In protest, the owners painted the building pink last year. With the extra money that State Secretary Uslu has made available, the necessary improvements can be started.

State Secretary Uslu: “I am really happy that we can break the impasse that has arisen. The earthquakes in Groningen have a huge impact on the entire province, in the entire region. And it is not easy to preserve monumental heritage for the future. That is why it is very nice that we can help the owners of the monumental farm in Drieborg in this way.”

The extra money that State Secretary Uslu makes available comes from the budget for a number of urgent restorations of large monuments, from which Artis, among others, recently received money. Of this budget of a total of € 15 million, the amount remaining is now being used for the preservation of the Oldambtster farm.
