Almost 2 million viewers for the first European Championship match Oranjeleeuwinnen

The first match of the Orange Lionesses at the European Football Championship in the United Kingdom was seen by almost 2 million people on Saturday evening. This is evident from the figures of the Stichting Kijkonderzoek (SKO). The Dutch women played a draw against Sweden, 1-1.

This is almost as many viewers as the first match of the women during the previous European Championship, in our country in 2017. Then the Netherlands won against the Norwegian women. The most watched broadcast around the European Championship was the tribute to the Dutch women, which was watched by 5.4 million people.

The women’s match was the most watched program on television on Saturday evening. In any case, sports and current affairs programs dominated in the top 10. The NOS Journaal from 8 p.m. attracted 1.5 million viewers (second place), followed by De Avondetappe (1 million viewers), the NOS Journaal from 6 p.m. (860,000 viewers) and Half Eight News from RTL (840,000 viewers).
