Since September 1 and October 1, 2022, homeowners can respectively My Renovation Loan and MijnVerbouwPremie to request. Both were created to encourage owners of older homes to invest in their own energy consumption and quality of life. There was also specific support for do-it-yourselfers like them install roof or attic floor insulation yourself.
“The simplification of the premium counter and the extra interest-free loan have turned out to be a bull’s eye. There is no better way to structurally mitigate energy costs than by investing in the structural energy efficiency of your home. The rush is even so strong that 130 percent more applications than initially estimated. The expectation is that 175,000 Flemings will sign up in one year by the end of 2023,” says Demir.
The processing of premium applications is in full swing and scaling up. To this end, the Flemish government decided to temporarily expand the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency (VEKA) with eight additional employees.
Demir previously provided for a doubling of the resources for the energy houses and she also provides an extra 8 million euros in 2023 and 2024 to structurally strengthen the energy houses. To support the energy houses with extra capacity on site, the minister engaged energy experts on a freelance basis. A further 2 million euros was also made available for this purpose.