Almost 100 women want to step into the love basket of balloonist Daan

Balloon pilot Daan van Loosbroek from Tilburg has been inundated with reactions from women who do want to embark on a romantic adventure at a great height with him. Last month he appealed via Omroep Brabant to women in Brabant to take to the air with them, in the hope that he will find the right one. And that call was successful: almost 100 women want to take to the air with him. “I think it’s really great! Only, that won’t fit in my basket,” says Daan. Because there is only room for twelve.

“Well, we are now working on a selection based on their story, motivation and photo. There are four of us. I have three part-time female colleagues here and they help me find the best and most suitable candidates. But in the end, luckily I do have the last word,” laughs the 51-year-old Tilburg pilot.

“There are certainly some who only want to experience a free balloon ride.”

Daan has been looking for a sweet and nice woman for months. But one who understands what it’s like to lead a busy life as a pilot and entrepreneur. The television program Farmer seeks Woman gave him an idea. “Balloon pilot is looking for a woman. Twelve women can go on a free balloon ride with me in a large basket at the beginning of October.”

The balloon flight also gives a good idea of ​​the kind of life Daan leads. “That is quite dynamic and literally as changeable as the weather. If the weather is bad and I can’t sail, I have plenty of time for a partner. But in good weather I can also spend evenings there I’m not because I’m in the air with customers. And you have to be able to handle that.”

Not all ladies who responded want a relationship with Daan. “There are certainly some who only want to go on a free balloon ride. Others would rather go up in the air with me alone. But we’re not going to do that. I also got a response from two ladies who want to go up with me, so I think that the three of them want a relationship, but that’s not going to be it either.”

The registration is now closed, but Daan is confident that he can take the nicest twelve women into the air. “I think it will be a nice and fun basket. I will receive the participants together that afternoon with a snack and a drink. Then everyone can get used to each other before we get into the basket for the balloon flight.”

The exact date is not yet known, because it depends on the weather.

ALSO READ: Balloonist Daan is looking for 12 women for a romantic evening in the air
