“Almost 1 in 5 of the buses in West Flanders are not on time”

“Almost 1 in 5 of the buses in West Flanders are not on time”

“Of the buses and trams that do run, in 2022 almost 1 in 5 did not run on time and 18,721 journeys were cancelled,” says Annick Lambrecht. “In concrete terms, this means that more than 10,000 journeys were canceled in the Bruges transport region, which 28 canceled journeys per day in the transport region of Bruges alone. In addition, the figures show that the number of canceled journeys due to personnel problems has almost doubled in four years’ time (2018: 0.59%, 2022: 1.01%).”

Annick Lambrecht: “These results are sad. How do we want more people to take public transport if the bus or tram either doesn’t come or arrives too late? More and more trips are canceled because no drivers are found. For years we have been asking the minister to make the job of bus driver attractive again by giving them better conditions and higher wages.”
