Almeida hopes to be able to celebrate the Madrid mascletà in the first quarter of 2024

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, He stated this Tuesday that “it could be” that, during the first quarter of 2024, “there could be” a mascletá for the first time in the capital, while pointing out that both the Madrid and Valencia City Councils are studying the ideal place to host this Valencian tradition.

“We are working on it and I believe, I believe, that it could be that in the first quarter of 2024 there could be that mascletá in the city of Madrid,” The mayor predicted before participating, precisely, in the II Community of Madrid-Valencian Community Business Summit.

Regarding the place where this pyrotechnic event would take place, Almeida explained that it is something that “the technical and security services of both municipalities are currently studying.”

“Because there are a series of requirements, obviously, that must be met. We do not have experience in mascletás, and, therefore, they are helping us and I am very grateful to the security and emergency services of the Valencia City Council with María José Catalá to But I would say that in the first quarter of next year there could be mascletá in the city of Madrid,” Almeida reiterated.

Catalá Commitment

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That the mascletá arrive to the capital was one of the commitments that María José Catalá, when she was still a candidate for mayor, and the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, adopted during the past Fallas, to bring to the capital one of the central shows of the Valencian festivals.

At the end of last November, Catalá pointed out that the Madrid mascletá could take place on the weekend of February 17 and 18, 2024.
