Alma’s twin sister Anna will never be seen on stage again – And there’s a very good reason for that

Alma describes her new album as truly personal.

Alma had to be happy, that’s what the tour manager told Alma one evening in Washington. Alma was not happy, everything else.

– The whole tour was horrible. Touring in America is tough for small artists, and now we were two anxious people, Alma Miettinen, 27, times.

The other anxious person was Alma’s twin sister Give it.

The tour manager said that Alma and Anna should be happy to perform in front of cheering people.

– He said it’s not normal that you hate being here and you have days when you want to get out of here. It sparked and culminated in the tour being Anna’s last.

From the beginning, Anna had been by Alma’s side on stage and accompanied him on tours, so of course the change was big, even dramatic to an outsider’s eyes.

Alma says that she is a person who can’t do nothing. Miia Sirén

According to Alma, however, nothing dramatic happened, the gaps just got inflamed and there was “something small” all the time.

– No one was thrown from the concert bus, Alma grins.

New era

Now Anna is studying at Aalto University. In addition, he has, for example, designed the logo on Alma’s album and filmed Alma’s music video.

So one child of the family from Vuosaari became a pop star and the other is becoming academically educated.

– What has mother put in the morning porridge? Alma smiles.

He is of course proud of his sister and tells how Anna is a source of strength, a best friend with whom he keeps in touch every day. The change from before is that each of the twins now lives his own life.

– It just had to happen that Anna leaves, but without Anna I wouldn’t be at this point. I would sing in Finnish, I would have a hit pop career and I wouldn’t have dared to dream so big. Now, over the course of five to six years, I have been encouraged and gained confidence that I can manage without Anna.

At this “point”, Alma has released her second career album and a tour is ahead Tove Lon with and own festival gigs up to Ruisrock.

Personal album

To the album Time Machine Alma describes as really personal. For Alma, the lyrics are clearly meaningful.

– The songs of this era are really bad, lyrically crap. No one says anything, everyone sings about having a good time. I’m not that motivated!

The recent Kesäranta commotion didn’t faze Alma anyway, because according to Alma, it wasn’t his commotion. During the loudest noise, Alma was in Sweden. Miia Sirén

Producer guru in Sweden Max Martin’s The songs of Time Machine recorded in the studio are the most personal of Alma’s career and the most important song is Hey Mom Hey Dad. Its publication had to be discussed with the parents in advance. The song tells about the problems of Alma’s childhood family.

– We had a discussion about how people see that song. However, my parents are very private. Actually, every song is such that I had to think, Can I talk about these things.

Alma has had enough of that talk.

– What was that question of yours? Alma asks a few times when her long answer has started to drag on and the answer to the original question has been left somewhere along the way.

“Embarrassed Popper”

Where, for example, Mr. Lordi said recently in an interview with Iltalehti that he doesn’t care about gigging, when you can’t create new things, but only present the old ones, Alma is from another country.

– Sometimes I feel like I don’t like anything and I hate gigging. But the feeling when I go on stage, when people know my songs and are happy: I don’t know a better feeling. Performing is really addictive. Put in the fact that performing is the best drug, Alma laughs.

Alma tells how on her days off she often goes to say hello to her mother and father. They live quite close to Alma’s home. Miia Sirén

Räväkkä Alma, according to his own words, is not rock at all, but an “embarrassed pop couple”. There shouldn’t be a row of Jack Daniels bottles in the back room of gig venues, but coconut water and white wine will suffice.

– Half a glass of white wine before going on stage, Alma clarifies.

Nothing very “rocky”, if that means, for example, throwing the TV out of the hotel room into the street, Alma won’t admit to having done it. Something though.

Some years ago, Alma was a guest on Polish morning television. Only a moment before the start of the performance, Alma was told that they can’t really play or sing, but that the show will use background tapes.

– We were given some old Polish instruments. They didn’t even look like real instruments.

Alma can be seen at several festivals in the summer. Miia Sirén

Alma Ensemble totally changed the show. The guitarist sat down at the piano, the drummer took the guitar in his hand the wrong way round and Alma, who was not allowed to sing, sat on the drummer’s lap.

– We did hear about what the hell you’ve gone to do. It just bothered us so much, we would have liked to play, but then some hellish rubber guitar is shoved into our hands.

Läfämma in the theater’s vipi

Alma has a lot in common with Blind Channel. The gigs at home are of course delicious, but the biggest goal is abroad.

– Here in Finland you can quickly get started and start making money. But if you focus on the fact that everything in Teatteri vipi throws you uppercuts, then that will also stay here.

Alma does not dream of becoming a superstar like Rihanna. Alma’s dreams are that as many people as possible would see and hear Alma’s songs, appreciate them.

– I personally appreciate artists who have a long career, and I only have six years behind me. Success is earned by hard work, and popularity only comes as much as people decide. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it.
