Alma Hätönen’s biggest disappointment: He didn’t get to study

Alma Hätönen applied to study psychology at the university.

The host did not open a place to study Alma Hätönen, 33, this time. During the spring, Hätönen told more than 48.6 thousand of his Instagram followers that he applied to study psychology at the university.

Fresh Instagram– in his publication, he admits that he was very disappointed that he didn’t get to study.

– Of course, yesterday was incredibly annoying for a while. Months of preparation did not produce the kind of fruit I had hoped for, Hätönen writes in his publication.

– But I got over the frustration after a couple of hours, because I have certain thought patterns and worldviews that help me in the moment of disappointment, Hätönen adds in the video accompanying the publication.

Alma Hätönen plans to rejoice for those who got the study place she wanted.

Hätönen now wants to share tips with his followers who are struggling with the feeling of disappointment. He says, among other things, that he believes that there will soon be other things available to him instead of a place to study.

– When I don’t get something I want, I know that now just wasn’t the right time for it. There is always a reason why now was not the time, Hätönen explains in the video.

Hätönen decides to rejoice for those who got the study place he wanted.

– I think, for example, about this study place, that maybe the person who got in wanted it the most in the world – at least as much as I did. I also think that maybe someone else needed it more than me, Hätönen reflects in the video.

– I have the feeling that despite the disappointment, I have strong faith that something else is coming. I even feel excited because I can’t wait to see what the universe wants to show me, Hätönen adds in the end.

You can watch Hätönen’s entire publication below or from here.
