Alma Hätönen travels across Europe with her dog

Alma Hätönen travels all over Europe with her husband Jaakko Ohtonen to Spain. The couple is traveling with the family’s beloved Shanti dog.

The trip with the dog has been smooth. IL Inka Soveri / screenshot: Instagram

Alma Hätönen and his wife Jaakko Ohtonen traveling along the country towards southern Europe and Spain. Based on Instagram, the couple is planning to spend several months in Spain, so the family’s beloved Shanti dog naturally went along to enjoy the southern sun.

If you are traveling with a dog, it is good to know that more than just a collar and a pouch are needed for the trip. In his highlights section of Instagram, Hätönen shares stories in which he goes through a good and comprehensive listing of everything to consider when traveling with a dog.

– The dog must have an EU passport, a microchip and Rabies vaccination at least 21 days before departure, as well as echinococcal medication, Hätönen writes in his highlights on Instagram.

He also points out that a bigger dog like Shant should have a muzzle when going outside.

– In a few days, our Shanti thought it was a fun thing to do, Hätönen writes.

In Spain, the muzzle should be used on dog breeds that fall under the so-called PPP breeds (Perros potentialmente peligrosos Finnish potentially dangerous dogs).

Hätönen continues his writing by saying that when traveling in a car, the dog must be fastened either in the transport hood or in the seat belts.

Not all hotel chains accept large pet guests, so that too needs to be clarified in advance. In addition, when traveling by boat, a pet cabin must be reserved.

News from the road

In her post published a week ago, Hätönen poses with a dog in a cabin. According to it, the dog has had no complaints, except in one case:

– In the Lord’s opinion, the toilet facilities on the lid were a bit ascetic, Hätönen jokes.

Followers thirsted for a picture of the outdoor area, so Hätönen posted a picture of his highlights. The area built on the outdoor deck had small-sized sandboxes to make pets fit.

After arriving at the German Chamber, Hätönen again published a picture with his dog on Instagram.

– I had the impression that such a trip (with a dog) would be a cumbersome and terrible adjustment, but vice versa. Sure, sometimes you have to “solve” situations a bit, but in principle, things go well when you don’t plan too much!

Alma Hätönen at the beginning of March 2022.
