Allowance affair in Emmen: 291 victims and a custodial placement

The number of victims of the allowance affair in the municipality of Emmen has risen to 291. In March that number was still 128. A child has already been removed from home as a result of the allowance problem.

Alderman Raymond Wanders told this after questions from councilor Ugbaad Kilincci (PvdA). “All Emmer victims have now received 30,000 euros in compensation from the government,” said Wanders. The municipality of Emmen has itself forgiven debts of victims. The family where there was an out-of-home placement is now receiving support from a national support team.

One to two reports are received at the town hall every month. Wanders: “The need for support varies. Some do not need help, for others there is a need for reimbursement of school or medical costs.” The municipality in turn declares these types of amounts to the Tax Authorities.

Kilincci asked the alderman if he also wants to talk to some of the victims. Wanders concluded that some people apparently nevertheless feel unheard. The councilors certainly want to start the conversation, he assured the councilor.
