Allergy to the cat: the new food that reduces ailments and the vaccine

Lcat allergy fatal for many cat lovers: according to i data Censisit concerns one in five adults. However, only in Italy, there are 7 and a half million domestic cats, which they most likely live with humans who are allergic to it. The choice not to give up on your cat despite the allergy, if this is not strong, it is rightly not recommended by allergists. Especially if it manifests itself with theasthma, which can lead to serious complications. For those who have or want a cat, however, there is some good news today. In fact, immunological scientific research has developed some strategies that can represent excellent solutions for cats and humans. We talked about it with various experts, to get as complete a picture as possible. And allow you to live more peacefully with your cat.

Allergy to the cat: the symptoms

It can start with a little itchy nose and throat, burning or itchy eyes, frequent sneezing. The a runny nose and, given that the cat allergen is very small – in fact it has a diameter of less than 5 µg (smaller than that of pollen and grasses) – it can reach up to respiratory tract. Penetrating in the bronchimay cause even serious asthma. Cat allergens are present in the saliva and sebaceous glands: licking themselves often, they fix themselves on the hair.

What exams to take

“If you have various allergies (polysensitization) you need to be sure which allergen is the most clinically relevant: it is better to undergo a molecular allergy diagnostic test. They are simple blood tests that give as complete and precise a picture as possible to respiratory and even food substances. The prik test is not sufficient to understand the level of allergy », Professor Enrico explains Heffler, Specialist in Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Associate Professor in Internal Medicine at the Humanitas University of Milan and allergist at the Personalized Medicine, Asthma and Allergy unit of the Humanitas Clinical Institute of Rozzano (MI) and consultant of the Association Let’s breathe together, which since 2014 has brought together professionals, patients and the public to improve the respiratory health of children and adults.

Eye allergy: the decalogue to recognize and treat it

What Actually Gives Cat Allergies?

It is not the hair or the dandruff that causes allergy, “but the saliva that contains a particular protein, the allergen identified with the acronym Fel d 1, mainly located on the hair and to a lesser extent in the saliva», Explains the Mona-Rita Yacoubcoordinator of the Allergy Area at the Immunology, Rheumatology, Allergology and Rare Diseases Unit of the San Raffaele Hospital IRCCS, directed by Professor Lorenzo Dagna.

«Actually there are various cat allergens, but Fel d 1 is typical of the cat. There is the pig – cat syndrome: the same molecule that can trigger allergy is found in cats and pigs. Allergens are in the hair in saliva and urine, it spreads very well in the environment. In the house that houses a cat there is a lot of allergen, it also settles on clothes, carpets, curtains and furniture », Yacoub warns.

Are there hypoallergenic cats?

“There are no hypoallergenic cats, perhaps because they constantly wash themselves and continue to distribute their saliva on the fur,” explains the doctor.

What precautions for those with allergies?

«The cure is obviously the removal of the animal from the house, since rhinitis and asthma are an exaggerated inflammatory reaction to the cat’s epithelium. But many do not want to give up because there is an affective aspect towards the animal, so it is essential to have many precautions in order not to risk their health “, explains Professor Enrico Heffler.

Cleaning the cat

«It is recommended to wash the cat regularly at least twice a week, even with special wipes, but those who are allergic must not do it. Use vacuum cleaners every day with Hepa filters, avoid fabrics that retain allergens and cause them to accumulate. And then it is essential not to let him sleep in the bedroom. Open the window: to avoid having severe allergy crises it is good to try to have low concentrations of the allergen at home. Nasal washes with physiological they are to be done every day by those who are allergic, they are used to wash the mucous membrane of the allergen », adds Dr. Yacoub.

The lotions to apply on the cat’s fur

There are also specific products useful for weakening the allergenic effect that allow to reduce the concentration of the allergen on the cat’s fur. The product is applied on animal hair and facilitates the removal of allergens from dandruff, saliva, urine and secretions.

The cat allergy vaccine

«It exists and can be done, it’s called “Specific subcutaneous or sublingual immunotherapy”. It is administered for 3/5 years and allows to reduce intensity of symptoms. Get one gradual desensitization and reduces the degree of inflammation following the allergy. It is available in Italy, but each Region has its own legislation and can be loaned. They are long but effective processes in reducing the severity of symptoms. This also applies to dogs, ”says Dr. Mona-Rita Yacoub.

How the cat allergy vaccine works

«Recall that for specific immunotherapy, the preparations are natural extracts of cat allergen that stimulates the immune system without triggering reactions. Let’s start in the hospital the first administration (sublingual) then continue at home every day for 3/4 years. Subcutaneous vaccines have different schedules involving monthly administration. The choice depends on the doctor, ”explains Dr. Yacoub. «The so-called vaccine is an allergenic protein extract administered in high and continuous doses. This induces a gradual development of tolerance towards the allergen itself. They are created new tolerance mechanisms, fewer symptoms and less severe»Adds Professor Enrico Heffler.

Watch out for asthma

“It applies to any allergen. The reaction threshold can be expected to rise and thus reduce the possibility of developing symptoms. However, if the patient has asthma in addition to rhinitis, it is important to be very careful because thecat allergen is very powerful and can cause control difficulties “, recommends Professor Heffler.

A new cat food that reduces allergy

«There are other news that affect the cat and those who are allergic to it. There have been products on the market for about a year, cat food that reduces the production of the Fel d 1 protein in the cat’s saliva. The protein is mainly produced in the cat’s saliva as well as by the epithelium. There are no side effects for the cat. Based on an antibody (IGY) that blocks the production of the protein. It is a product already on sale, safe, based on authoritative scientific studies published on PubMed which confirmed the effectiveness of the food », Heffler reassures.

The new cat food that reduces allergy

We talked about this revolutionary food that could help many cats and humans to continue living without allergies Doctor Guido Poncini, Veterinarian and Advocacy Manager of Purina. “In order to fully and correctly express the benefits of him, Pro Plan LiveClear should be administered as exclusively as possible so as to be able to neutralize the allergen right at the time of food intake. The food in fact contains a key ingredient derived from egg that coming into contact with the allergen present in the cat’s saliva (feld d1) is able to neutralize it making it practically harmless and, therefore, not recognizable by the immune system of the sensitive person. This particular action allows you to reduce the amount of allergen active on the cat and of consequence in the environment, thus helping in the management of this problem ». But is it safe for cats?

Purine conducted a 6-month study which showed that there were no differences in clinical observations on body weight, food consumption, eye examination, blood or urine tests, between the group of cats fed without the ingredient and cats fed different levels of the ingredient. The result of this research was approved for publication on Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

On the side of the cat

«The range guarantees perfect nutrition for every stage of the healthy cat’s life; therefore, it can be considered an excellent solution for every day, even indefinitely. Purina nutritionists and the very high quality of each ingredient, in addition to the innovative production technologies, make the range an attractive, complete and balanced solution », explains Doctor Poncini. “The range provides also solutions for kittens (kitten) that is a nutrition correctly formulated for the first phases of life, thus allowing to manage the specific growth needs as well as supporting the needs of the allergen-sensitive family unit. Once he reaches adulthood, at about one year, he will be able to continue with the other specific nutritional solutions of the same line », adds Poncini.

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Diet foods always have the limitation of being exclusive, but health problems are unlikely to arise in a cat’s life due to a well-researched food. It should be seen after 10 years of use what happens to the cats that have taken it. People with allergies often have other allergies as well, ”she adds Doctor Fabienne Benèreference veterinary surgeon of Stray SOS, volunteer organization that has been involved since 1992 with offering shelter to abandoned animals, their well-being, adoptions and raising public awareness of the problem of stray animals.
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